Multi-sensory Interactive Experience With Food Rejection
IOT Interaction Experience
Nowadays, the material standard of living is exceptionally abundant and continues to improve. People choose different foods according to their personal preferences to meet the needs of balanced nutrition. People have different hobbies and requirements for the colour, aroma, taste, shape, and texture of foods. Good organoleptic properties of foods can stimulate taste and smell, excite the taste buds, stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and digestive juices; therefore, it can increase appetite and stabilise emotions (Spence 2015, 24-35).
At the same time, due to physiological, psychological, regional cultural differences, and multiple reasons, people also have foods that they do not like (Robinson 2011,40-43). Except for the reasons of food allergies, this project explores how to help users overcome the personal dislikes of specific foods based on interaction design research methods.
It is a common problem: many people have specific dislikes food or ingredient such as coriander, onion, ginger, leek.
For this situation, I will deeply study and discuss the many causes of people's different food preferences. Use the interaction design principle combined with the IoT technology to design the user experience with the multi-sense concept, showing more possibilities of different foods in the multi-sense experience design. I would like to connect the human five senses with the interaction design to explore this field through this project.
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